Hier eine Liste der wichtigsten wissenschaftlichen Veröffentlichungen von
Gariaev, Petr Petrovich Ph.D., ACAD. RANS, And RAMTS MANEB
1. Haryaev, 1994, Wave gene. Monograph. M. Izd. Obschestvennaya benefits. 279s. (http://www.russkiyimperatorskiydom.ru/files/ERM 5.pdf)279s
2. Garyaev P., Lingvistiko-wave gene: theory and practice; Institute of quantum genetics. – Kiev, 2009 – 218c. (http://www.wavegenetic.ru/Petr_Gariaev.pdf)
3. Garyaev P.,1997, Wave genetic kod.M. Изд. „The State entreprise». 108 p.(http://www.e-reading.club/bookreader.php/1028079/Garyaev_-__Volnovoy_geneticheskiy_kod.html)
4. God Id. Linguistic Wave Genetics. M.s.112 Issues. a conceptual (2017).
5. Thorns G.i., Dr. Peter P. Garyaev. Quantum genome in terms of physical vacuum., M, s.152 Issues. a conceptual (2018).
Articles (main):
1. Gariaev P.P., Chudin V.I., Komissarov G.G., Berezin A.A., Vasiliev A.A., 1991, Hologrphic Associative Memory of Biological Systems, Proceedings SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering. Optical Memory and Neural Networks., v 1621., p. 280- 291. USA.
2. Garyaev P., 1994, Wave gene. M. Изд. The common good. 279s. Моногр.
3. Gariaev P.P., Vasiliev A.A., Berezin A.A., 1994, Holographic associative memory and information transmission by solitary waves in biological systems. SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering. CIS Selected Papers. Chip Measuring and Data Processing Methods and Devices. v. 1978, pp. 249-259.
4. I.V. Prangishvili, P.P. Garyaev, G.G. Dmitri Tertyshny, Vladimir Maksimenko, A.V. Mologin, E. Leonova, E.R. Ernest, 2000, Spectroscopy of localized radiation photon-wave: access to non-local quantum bio-informational processes. Sensors and systems, # 9 (18), c. 2-13.
5. Garyaev P., Kokaya A., Leonova-Garyaeva E., Ernest E.r., Mukhina I., Smelov M.v., Dmitri Tertyshny., Товмаш А. В., 2007, Теоретические модели волновой генетики и воспроизведение волнового иммунитета в эксперименте. Новые медицинские технологии/Новое медицинское оборудование, №11, with. 26-70.
6. Gariaev P.P, Another Understanding of the Model of Genetic Code Theoretical Analysis. Open Journal of Genetics, 2015, 5, 92-109. Published Online June 2015 in SciRes.
7. Gariaev P.P., Leonova-Gariaeva E.A., The Syhomy of the Genetic Code Is the Path to the Real Speech Characteristics of the Encoded Proteins http://www.scirp.org/journal/oigen http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/ojgen.2015.52008.
8. Korneev A.A., Gariaev P.P., Some Aspects of Wave Gene Transmission. DNA Decipher Journal | December 2015 | Volume 5 |
9. Haryaev, Gorelik V.s., Kazulin E.a., Shcheglov V.a., 1994, Dvuhfotonno indemnification luminescence in solid phase DNA. Quantum Electronics., N6, s. 603-604.
10. Garyaev P., Vnuchkova VA, Shelepin GA, Komissarov GG, 1994, Verbal-semantic modulation resonances of the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam as a methodology of command and the figurative system of genome. Russian Journal of physical thought., N1-4, c. 17-28.
11. Blagodatskih V.I., Garyaev P., Leonova E., Maslov M.Y.U., Shaytan K.V., Shcheglov V.A., 1996, The dynamics of the emergence of dislocations in the DNA molecule., Brief reports in physics. Physics Institute Of RAS, N3-4, 9-14..
12. Garyaev P., Maslov M.Yu., Reshetnyak SA, VA Shcheglov, 1996, Interaction of electromagnetic radiation with information biomacromolecules. “Antenna” model. Brief reports in physics. Physics Institute Of RAS, N1-2, c. 54-59.
13. Garyaev P., Maslov M.Yu., Reshetnyak S.A., Shcheglov V.A., 1996, Model the interaction of electromagnetic radiation with information biomacromolecules., Brief reports in physics. Physics Institute Of RAS, N1-2, c. 60-63.
14. S.A.. Reshetnyak, V.A. Shcheglov, V. I. Blagodatskikh, P. P. Gariaev, and M.Yu. Maslov, 1996, Mechanism of interaction of electromagnetic radiation with a biosystem, Laser Physics, v.6, N2, pp.621-653.
15. Berezin A.A., Gariaev P.P., Gorelik V.S., Reshetniak S.A., Shcheglov V.A., 1996, Is it possible to create laser based on information biomacromolecules? Laser Physics, v.6, N6, pp.1211-1213.
16. A. M. Agal′cov, P.P.. Garyaev, in the.. Gorelik, and A. Rakhmatullaev, VA. Shcheglov, 1996, Двухфотонно-возбуждаемая люминесценция в генетических структурах. Квантовая электроника, v.23, N2, с.181-184.
17. Gariaev P.P., Tertishny G.G., Kampf U., Muchamedjarov F., Leonova E.A., 1999, Fractal structure in DNA code and human language: Towards a semiotics of biogenic information. 7th International congress of the international association for semiotic studies (IASS/AIS). TU Dresden, October 3-6, 1999. p. 161.
18. Gariaev P., Tertishniy G. The quantum nonlocality of genomes as a main factor of the morphogenesis of biosystems. // 3th Scientific and medical network continental members meeting. Potsdam, Germany, may 6-9, 1999. p. 37-39.
19. I.V. Prangishvili, P.P. Garyaev, G.G. Dmitri Tertyshny, E. Leonova, A.V. Mologin, M.R. Garber, 2000, The genetic structure of both the source and destination of the holographic information. Sensors and systems, # 2, c. 2-8.
20. I.V. Prangishvili, P.P. Garyaev, G.G. Dmitri Tertyshny, Vladimir Maksimenko, A.V. Mologin, E. Leonova, E.R. Ernest, 2000, Spectroscopy of localized radiation photon-wave: access to non-local quantum bio-informational processes. Sensors and systems, # 9 (18), c. 2-13
21. Peter P. Gariaev, Boris I. Birshtein, Alexander M. Iarochenko, Peter J. Marcer, .
22. Peter P. Gariaev, George G. Tertishny, Katherine A. Leonova, Uwe Kaempf ., 2001, The DNA-wave biocomputer. “CASYS” – International Journal of Computing Anticipatory Systems (ed. D.M.Dubois), Liege, Belgium, v.10, pp.290-310.
23. Peter P. Gariaev, George G. Tertishny, Ekatherina A. Leonova., 2002, The Wave, Probabilistic and Linguistic Representations of Cancer and HIV. Journal of Non-Locality and Remote Mental Interactions Vol. I, №.2
24. P.P. Gariaev, G.G. Tertishny, A.M. Iarochenko, V.V. Maximenko, E.A. Leonova, 2002, The spectroscopy of biophotons in non-local genetic regulation. Journal of Non-Locality and Remote Mental Interactions Vol.I Nr. 3
25. Peter P. Gariaev, Boris I. Birshtein, Alexander M. Iarochenko, George G. Tertishny, Ekatherina A. Leonova, Uwe Kaempf, Peter J. Marcer, 2002, Fractal structure in DNA code and human language: towards a semiotic of biogenetic information. International Journal of Computing Anticipatory Systems, volume 13, 2002, pp. 255-273, ISSN 1373-5411 ISBN 2-9600262-7-6
26. P. P. Gariaev, M.J. Friedman, and Leonova- Gariaeva Crisis in Life Sciences. The Wave Genetics Response, 2006, http://www.wavegenetic.ru/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=38&Itemid=1
27. Garyaev P., Dmitri Tertyshny., 2007, Wave biosystems genetic control of nanotechnology. Theory and experiments. New medical technologies, # 7, c. 49-64. http://www.wavegenetics.jino-net.ru/zip/New_tec-7-2007.zip
28. Garyaev P., Kokaya A., Mukhina I., Leonova-Garyaeva E., Кокая Н. Г., 2007, Effect of modulated electromagnetic radiation on biostrukturami for alloksanovogo of diabetes mellitus in rats. Бюллетень Эксп. Биол. и Мед., # 2, с. 155-158. http://www.wavegenetics.jino-net.ru/zip/Diabet.zip
29. Garyaev P., Kokaya A., Leonova-Garyaeva E., Ernest E.R., Mukhina I., Smelov M.V., Dmitri Tertyshny., Товмаш А. В., 2007, Теоретические модели волновой генетики и воспроизведение волнового иммунитета в эксперименте. Новые медицинские технологии/Новое медицинское оборудование, №11, with. 26-70.
30. PP P.P.Haryaev, Dmitri Tertyshny., Товмаш А.В. 2007. New medical technologies, # 9, page. 42-53. Experimental studies in vitro of the holographic display and transfer of DNA complexed with information, its environmental.
31. Garyaev P., 2008, A review of scientific data on the availability of complete information on the question of the canonical model of genetic coding. New medical technologies. New medical equipment. # 1, with. 30-49.
32. Gariaev, P. (P)., Vladychenskaya, I. P. & Leonova-Gariaeva, (E). A., PCR Amplification of Phantom DNA Recorded as Potential Quantum Equivalent of Material DNA. DNA Decipher Journal | March 2016 | Volume 6| Issue 1.
33. The Syhomy of the Genetic Code Is the Path to the Real Speech Characteristics of the Encoded Proteins. P. P. Gariaev, E. A. Leonova-Gariaeva. Open Journal of Genetics, 2018, 8, 15-33. http://www.scirp.org/journal/ojgen ISSN Online: 2162-4461 ISSN Print: 2162-4453. Axiom of the genetic code – the path to real speech characteristics of the encoded proteins. P.P. Garyaev, E.A. Leonova-Garâeva.